Meal Plans Week 101

Sweltering. Sweltering is the only way to describe this weekend and I feel like we’ve had a lot of that lately. Wow, now I’m complaining about summer! It’s just that it makes me want to avoid turning the oven on or cooking at all and thus the summer recipes only trickle in… but the week ahead is looking more mild so I’ll be back at it.

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Meal Plans Week 100

Yep. 100 weeks of meal plans. That’s a whole lot of meal plans for you beautiful humans to choose from. And considering each post contains two plans that’s 200 plans for you! Aren’t you lucky?

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Meal Plans Week 99

Happy Sunday! The sunshine has definitely set in this week and it’s been so hot in Melbourne that I’ve been forgetting to eat – does anyone else lose their appetite in the heat? This is actually a problem when you write recipes for a living as the only recipes I feel like testing involve smoothies and ice cream.

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Meal Plans Week 98

Hello again little corner of the world! I have some more delightful meal plans to share with you this week and am so excited to share some great new recipes that I’ve been working on next week.

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Meal Plans Week 97

It’s the first meal plan post of 2019! And it traditional January in Australia style they’re going to be filled with beachy backyard summer vibes. Mixed with a good dose of post new years need to live that healthy life vibes. Sounds good right?

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Meal Plans Week 95

Summer has arrived with a vengeance in Melbourne and after sweltering through a 38 degree (celsius!) day all I wanna do is eat salad, fruit and ice cream. And drink tinto de verano in the sun. All of that can’t be a daily occurrence but I can totally try.

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Meal Plans Week 94

Another busy week and some very late meal plans! But better late than never right? I think I’ve said that way too many times this week. I need to re learn the art of saying no and stop trying to fit so many things in each day/week. Anybody else have this issue at this time of year?

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Meal Plans Week 92

My salad filled days are trucking along nicely now and between that and lots of yummy seafood i’m really feeling a summer vibe. What do you love to eat at this time of year?

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Meal Plans Week 91

All the folks over in the northern hemisphere are getting festive and planning Thanksgiving menus and in this neck of the woods Christmas is the next big one, which is a blessing because I really need some time to eat salads post holiday pre holiday season you know?

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Meal Plans Week 90

Okay so you may or may not have noticed that I haven’t posted anything since last week’s meal plans. I had sort of run out of recipes to post while traveling as testing them is a little hard when I’m not in one spot for long, and I just wanted to really be laid back in this last week of my holiday. Plus it was my birthday week and I thought not pushing myself to write when I didn’t feel like it might be the nicest treat of all.

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