
Meal Plans Week 116

I have been a little light on the recipe posts this week – in major holiday prep mode and it’s a serious distraction to the usual schedule. But I also have been testing a whole lot of delicious new recipes for the blog for the next few weeks that I’m super excited about.

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Meal Plans Week 112

Well hello again! Another week gone and I hope it was one full of great food! I’ve been trying to refocus on wasting less in my kitchen and plan to spend today decluttering the pantry because it has got oh so out of control, please tell me your Sunday plans are more exciting!

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Meal Plans Week 111

After a holiday week hiatus from providing you with meal plans they’re back! I have so many yummy ideas to share with you from something special for a weekend feast to easy quick midweek meals. I got you.

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Meal Plans Week 109

I’ve been loving the mild weather this week but it looks like next week is looking like it’s ready for Autumn vibes. So that’s a great excuse to roast a chicken, make a big batch of dahl or roll up some enchiladas. Right?

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Meal Plans Week 108

It’s been a serious cold snap in Melbourne this week and it has me craving ramen and comfort food. But it’s Melbourne, so the week ahead is actually looking nice and warmish so I probably won’t be starting on soup just yet… I’ll ease into that sort of thing with curry 😉

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Meal Plans Week 106

Well hello there autumn, aren’t you a semi-welcome change. Semi-welcome because summer is wonderful and I love the long sunny days but man the hot sweaty nights are the worst.

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Meal Plans Week 105

This week has been a struggle from one illness to the next but I think I’m finally coming out of it! Could not have been a better time for a long weekend. I have been lax on the eating and cooking because of said illness but got right back into this weekend so I have yummy things coming at you next week.

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Meal Plans Week 104

I did something a little bit naughty last week… I skipped the meal plans post! It was my last weekend in London and I decided to give myself an actual holiday and completely switch off which meant not blog post, no instagram posts, just normal life. I need to do this more as it’s the ultimate relaxation and I hadn’t realised how long it had been since I’d done that. But I’m back now! With two new plans for you all.

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Meal Plans Week 103

This week’s meal plans are being written from London but are still going to be oh so summer focused as suddenly changing seasons on you all just because I have seems a little weird…

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Meal Plans Week 102

Happy Sunday lovely humans! I’m in Daylesford this weekend at a Herbalist Yoga and Meditation Retreat cooking for the wonderful guests. It’s been a blissful weekend in the kitchen interspersed with bush walks, meditation, salt baths and good conversation. I’ll be sharing all the recipes for the things I made with you all soon!

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