Kale chips, yes yes I’m a bit late jumping on this bandwagon but I swear I’ve been making them for years now. It’s just that I didn’t think my kale chips with just olive oil, sometimes chilli, and salt were ground breaking enough to share with anyone. Not that every recipe I share is always groundbreaking! Clearly not! But these kale chips are next level. I ate 2/3 of a bunch of kale in one sitting because of these. That’s a lot of kale, who does that?

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This is a green smoothie that packs a punch in the antioxidant and good for you departments. There’s matcha for those antioxidants, a good dose of omega 3’s, potassium, vitamins A, C and K to name a few, fibre, protein it’s like a powerhouse. I love serving it in a bowl over some muesli for hidden crunch and topped with fruit for contrasting flavours. And because it looks pretty tbh.

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