One Pot Broccoli Mac’n’Cheese

I’m always up for a one pot meal and this one is so easy and satisfying. Fresh veg is getting exy so I’ve tested this one with fresh and frozen broccoli and both work perfectly. You could even use peas or mixed green veg. The sharpness of the KEEN’S mustard powder adds a real brightness to the cheesy sauce, and stops it all from feeling too heavy.


  • Use a short pasta for this recipe, I used elbows. Something that takes about 12 minutes will be ideal.
  • I always use a strong cheddar for maximum flavour, Parmesan also helps with this. Use what you gave though, and have fun with it!
  • You can add more mustard powder to suit your tastes, just start with what’s in the recipe and go from there.
  • I used a Parmesan brodo as my stock (boil Parmesan rinds in water for a few hours) to increase the cheesiness.

Serves 4-6


2 cups full cream milk

2.5 cups stock (veg, chicken or Parmesan brodo)

500g short pasta (12 min cook time)

3 cups bite sized broccoli florets (fresh or frozen, you can chop or break up the frozen ones if they’re too big)

2 cups freshly grated strong cheddar

¼ cup freshly grated Parmesan

½ tsp KEEN’S mustard powder

½ tsp black pepper

½ tsp salt


Put a large pot on high heat. Add the milk and stock and bring to a boil.

Add the pasta, cover and simmer for 10 minutes or until almost al dente.

Add the broccoli and cook for 2 more minutes on low heat. Stirring often.

The pasta and broccoli should now be tender. Add the cheese, stir to melt. Turn off the heat and add the mustard powder and salt and pepper. Adjust seasoning and serve!

HH. x

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