7 Ways With: Salmon

Salmon is one of the most common types of fish that Australians eat at home and I can totally understand why. It’s an amazing source of brain friendly Omega 3 fats, protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Wild Salmon tends to be a better source of all of these than farmed, as well as being better for the environment.

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Smashed Potatoes with Parmesan Chilli and Baby Rocket

So the whole ingredients list is basically in the recipe title here! This simple side dish is so delicious, it takes time but very little effort. And they’re the perfect side dish for a roast or as a part of a big table of food to share.

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Berry and Vanilla Coconut Skillet Crumble

This is a supercharged crumble mix with the addition of loads of fibre and healthy fats thanks to the oats, coconut and golden flaxmeal combination. It’s also perfect to make with frozen berries making it an any time of the year dessert.

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Chipotle and Parmesan Carrot Tacos

I spent many years thinking that tacos were the kind of food I only craved in summer…. this year is proving me wrong especially in the vegetarian tacos game. By roasting winter vegetables you can make a yummy and totally winter appropriate taco. Serve these to a large group as a starter or just between two of you as a yummy meal.

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Parsnip, Parmesan and Thyme Soup

I love parsnips, I always have. Even as a child they’d be the first thing I’d try to sneak off ta tray of roasted vegetables. This soup is reminiscent of the full roast chicken dinner, with thyme, lemon and a little parmesan in there for that umami flavour.

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Meal Plans Week 121

Hello again! I’m still in the south of France soaking up the glorious sunshine while I can as I’m well aware I’m going to struggle with the cold when I return!

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7 Ways With: Sweet Potato

This 7 ways with post is celebrating a vegetable I use a lot. Sweet potatoes are so versatile, they can be a meal in themselves, used in sweet treats, roasted to perfection, used as noodles the list goes on!

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Prawn Miso Noodle Soup for One

This soup comes together so quickly and is a one pot wonder. I’ve written the recipe for one but you can easily just double it and so on to serve more people.

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