FullSizeRender-3 At the moment I’m all about lunch. I have a couple of go to favourite lunches. No. 1 is last night’s dinner (I am a lazy girl at heart!) and No. 2 is a rainbow salad bowl (which often involves last nights dinner ha). They’re such a great way to get loads of high nutrient unprocessed foods into your diet and are ridiculously tasty. Also, you never get bored of them because they can be varied endlessly. This post gives you a set of guidelines of what to include to be sure of a delicious and nutrient packed lunch, but remember they are guidelines, not rules, so take the reigns and make your salad bowl your own. The key is to get the balance right.

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Even though I’m not dairy free or vegan these babies are! My aim wasn’t to make them that, but to make a slice that contained loads of nutrients and good fats to balance the unrefined sweeteners it contains and that would therefore satisfy that never satisfied sweet tooth of mine. Loaded with tahini, oats, almonds, cashews, cacao, and dates (only one date per serve) it ticks those boxes. After a little bit of trial and error (and complete rejection of an earlier effort by my boyfriend, he actually took one bite and was just like ‘nope’) I have these on my hands and I don’t wanna share them! Haha. Four layers of sweet, nutty, caramel and chocolate goodness.

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

This is my go to slaw. It makes it into my rainbow lunch bowls, chicken burgers and is the base of my favourite chicken salad. I also love serving it with a roast chicken! I even mix around some of the ingredients in the dressing and take it more towards Mexican and add it to tacos. It’s full of flavour, texture and colour. What more could you want?

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Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

I clearly had no idea what to call these. They are sweet and tangy and crispy and fresh. And spicy. Well as spicy as you want them I guess! It’s also sort of a salad. Or a nibble. Or a side dish. Or even a bar snack, along with popcorn cauliflower florets of course! The crisps themselves are baked rather than fried and placed on a mixture of sauces (green thai curry, molasses, black vinegar). They are then topped with a light and fragrant salad of fresh herbs and spices. It’s all a bit magical and crazy really, thus the trouble with the name.

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