


It’s root vegetable season and I’m getting into it in a serious way. I’m trying different ways of cooking my favourite root vegetables (helllooooo Parsnip Fries) as well as trying some that I wouldn’t normally eat loads of. I’m definitely a lover of fritters and was craving a more wintery version of what I would normally make… and this is what happened. Do you use kohlrabi much? It has a texture that’s not dissimilar to broccoli stem and it tastes a bit like that mixed with a turnip. I’ve found it has more flavour if you cook it with the skin on so that’s what I’ve done here. I’ve added the Swedes because I love their slight sweetness and they give great golden colour and smooth texture to the fritters. Fritters are such a great breakfast or lunch food as they allow you to get lots more veg! Served with a simple side salad and maybe a dipping sauce these make the perfect lunch or breakfast.

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