

PITA CHIP VEGETARIAN NACHOS 5    Confession: these aren’t really nachos. They aren’t made using corn chips because when they craving took I only had some slightly less than fresh pita bread on hand. I hate waste so wanted to use it and these were born from what was in my fridge/pantry. The perfect lazy, waste free dinner and so delicious I made them 3 times in a week.

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Mexican Rainbow Salad 3  This salad has a lot going for it, such as a whole rainbow of colour. Not to mention it’s super filling, full of protein, complex carbs, fibre and all the vitamins from that pretty array of vegetables. Speaking of pretty it also has that and I do think eating pretty food makes it taste better… we eat with our eyes and all that?

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Well hey there summer! Time for long nights sharing food with friends in the evening sun – and these are just perfect for that. The fresh prawns, creamy avocado and sweet corn are amped up with a little chilli and lime to make for a super tasty snack or starter. As a bonus they’re super easy to make too.

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It’s true. I have posted A LOT of cauliflower recipes of late. But I keep on finding whole cauliflower at the market for $2 or less and I just can’t resist a good deal! These tacos are a fabulous vegetarian alternative to my usual fish or chicken tacos. The cauliflower florets get all delicious and crunchy on the outside while staying a little crisp on the inside – I’m not a fan of overcooked cauliflower!

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Sticky, saucy and spicy pulled chicken with a super simple zingy slaw, fresh guacamole and manchego cheese. Delicious!!! The recipe for the BBQ sauce makes way more than you need for this recipe so I’ve made a separate post, you can find it here. It’s spicy and tangy and makes these tacos super delicious. But if you’re all like “who has time to make their own BBQ sauce you crazy lady?” then they’re actually still pretty fantastic without it. That said, with the sauce… they’re…. wow.

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