This is one of those meals that you can make as easy or as difficult as you like. It’s also one of those meals that’s insanely comforting and spicy without being chilli hot. Tender pieces of sweet potato, bright green spinach, fragrant creamy curry and crunchy golden peanuts. Yum.
Bliss balls! Bliss balls that are nut free, gluten free and full of fibre and protein. Bliss balls that also taste so much like cookie dough you’ll be thinking about being a little kid eating cookie dough straight from the mixing bowl… or if you’re me, being an adult and eating cookie dough straight from the bowl. Basically my new favourite bliss ball.
Friday Finds

This week’s post is all about entertainment, specifically what I’m watching (and eating) when I’m staying in this week and where I’ve been going when eating out. As much as I love to cook, I also love to eat other people’s food. Whether it be at a friends place or at restaurant there’s something fabulous about someone else cooking for you.