Nut Free Muesli

This muesli is light, crunchy and great for anyone who wants something for breakfast that is a little lower in fat and sugar than muesli loaded with nuts and dried fruit. It’s also a great muesli if you can’t eat nuts or dried fruit which sums up my new housemate and I perfectly. Instead of nuts the crunch comes from toasted seeds, coconut and puffed grains, the flavours are warm and lightly spiced and served with some fresh fruit (hey berries, so glad you’re fructose content is so friendly to me) and yoghurt/milk it makes for a quick and easy breakfast.

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 Coconut, lime and passionfruit. Sounds like an excellent cocktail right? Also makes for a delightful chia pudding. This one is a nice change from whatever your usual mix is and it makes you instantly go.. ahh summer!

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I love Weiss bars. My favourite ones are the chocolate and coconut ones you can only by in boxes of four at the supermarket. The fact that these only come in fours is never a problem, they’re delicious I want four, it’s that I can never get them when I most want an icey pole, on the way home from beach for example when you stop at the servo or general store. First world problems right? Well this recipe solves none of those problems, it makes 4, isn’t stocked at my local service station and I can’t find it at the beach. However, it is a slightly ‘healthier’ version and I don’t need to leave the house on a 41 degree day to get one. 

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This lightly coconut flavoured custard is dairy free and has a silky texture. It’s the perfect thing to have with crumbles, in a trifle or with your christmas pudding. It also has the plus of being far lower in sugar than regular custard. 

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This crumble is the perfect way to use up stone fruit that might be getting a little over ripe or that you have an excess of. It’s also just a delicious was to eat it. It’s completely dairy free and lower in fat and sugar than a regular crumble. As a bonus, it’s easy to make.

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Nutritious, pretty and yummy breakfasts like this don’t need to be time consuming. I love a breakfast that I can prepare before going to bed and then have it ready to go in the morning when time is more important to me. I want to be the kind of person that can get up really early and exercise, make a delicious breakfast and get to work in time… but I’m not! I find getting up earlier than I have to really hard and my mornings always feel really busy. I tend to eat breakfast at work, so grab and go breakfasts like this are an excellent option.


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This tastes like a banana cream pie, but better, because it has coconut and different textures and the creamy banana bit tastes and feels (in your mouth obv, don’t go running your fingers through it you weirdo) like mousse. And yes, it’s just all kinds of crazy good. I want to eat this for breakfast every day. For ever. Until I’ve od’d on banana and I’m like, ew get that away from me (won’t happen, no way). Can you tell I’m a little bit excited about this one?

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Winter means soup. Lots of root vegetables are in abundance and you pretty much want to fill your body with heat at this time of the year, and soup goes well with both those things. This soup uses sweet potato, pumpkin, fragrant spices and a little coconut to warm and nourish you from the inside out.

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You know when you have an idea for something in your head and you are completely convinced it could work and it will be delicious, and then you make it and it’s just a… mess? Yeah, that happened the first time I tried to make these. And I was going to give up and just make something from an actual recipe. Then, with help from Frase, I continued the experiment, added an extra egg, some buckwheat flour, left them in the waffle iron a little longer and voila -Gluten Free Coconut Waffles. They taste just as delicious in real life as they did in my head. crisp and golden, light and fluffy in the middle and lots of coconut flavour.

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I’ve been trying to perfect a recipe for double chocolate buckwheat and almond cookies for a couple of weeks now but it hasn’t been going to plan. The first batch was too shortbread like once cooled and the next was to cakey. I wanted them to be a fudgier texture. So I made these instead. Peanut butter, molasses, maple syrup and coconut sugar add to the texture. The coconut, buckwheat and roasted almonds add a nutty flavour profile (along with the peanut butter) and the chocolate chips because chocolate chips.

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