This is a special post… with just one find…because I want it to have all the attention. Because it’s about me! And something free for you. Because I like you so š
Friday Finds
This week’s Friday findsĀ is quite the mixed bag. Basically, as per usual, it’s what I’ve been into for the last week.
Friday Finds

This week’s post is all about entertainment, specifically what I’m watching (and eating) when I’m staying in this week and where I’ve been going when eating out.Ā As much as I love to cook, I also love to eat other people’s food. Whether it be at a friends place or at restaurant there’s something fabulous about someone else cooking for you.
Friday Finds

This Friday I thought I would share some of my favourite food spots, the online ideas and recipes type food spots. As much as I will always adore books of all kinds, especially cookbooks, I also love using food blogs for recipes,Ā it’s a big part of why I ended up writing my own. There are a few different blogs I visit for different types of food, some healthy some a little more indulgent.
Friday Finds
It’s been almost two weeks since I set myself some challenges in my last Friday Finds post. And those challenges have been going well… mostly! But there’s also been real life finds such as new housemates, great podcasts and the brilliance of crispy rice bowls (the details of the above one are below, don’t worry I’ll get to it). Plus some exciting news about one of my favourite recipes!
Friday Finds

I’m back from holiday and all full of goal setting, fresh starts and new food inspiration. My first day back was actually a little terrifying as I have a heap of change going on at the moment (no job, end of a relationship and the subsequent search for a new home that comes with that) and I felt like reality had just hurled itself at me. Which was annoying as the holiday was fantastic, and I was totally happy keeping reality at bay for a while! But it’s time to open some new doors.
This weeks Friday finds is a little bit about that reality andĀ also about some new obsessions that my recent travels have launched at me.
Friday Finds
This weeks Friday Finds is a lot about books. And still about food. Holidays always mean catching up on missed reading for me, even if it’s an adventure kind of holiday there’s usually some sort of down time involved, even if it’s only mid flight. It’s also about other vacation related things. Like my hair.