How to Simplify Your Life: 5 Winter Curries to Batch Cook

These 5 recipes freeze well so you can batch cook 2 of them on the weekend and freeze half your portions for the following week and have different lunches on alternate days for the week. There’s a mix of flavours at play here and all the curries are made from scratch with minimal effort.

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Pumpkin Dahl with Tomato and Spinach

This autumnal dahl is both comforting and fresh thanks to the coconut and lime flavours through it. It’s mild in terms of heat level and fragrant with the toasted cumin stirred through at the end. It comes together with very little effort so is a perfect midweek meal and the leftovers can be freezed for lunches.

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Indian Spiced Cauliflower Tacos

This is fusion food, which I know, is not always a great idea. But crispy stir fried cauliflower flavoured with turmeric and garam masala in little roti bread or flour tortilla wraps… what’s not to like?!

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Cauliflower and Potato Vegan Massaman Curry

This easy curry is so delicious and full of flavour, you won’t miss the meat at all. It includes the recipe for a simplified vegan massaman curry paste, but you could always buy one.

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Vegetarian Khoa Soi Style Noodle Soup

This is reminiscent in flavour of a khoa soi soup but like most things I make is lacking in the authentic elements, the flavour is great though, full of thai spices and turmeric!

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Fragrant Dahl with Chickpeas, Zucchini and Spinach

Why hello there 2018! I’ve let you roll in kind of quietly without making too much of a fuss in this little corner of the internet. None of that new year new me stuff over here. New year, same me is more my vibe. That doesn’t mean I haven’t got lots of exciting plans happening that I can’t wait to share with you all but there’s not going to be any sudden changes to the scheduled programming, that’s for sure. No diets or resolutions. Just good food and happy times. With that in mind this happy belly making dahl is something I’m oh so happy to share with you to bring in the new year.

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Mussels with a Thai Coconut Curry Broth and Spring Vegetables

    This bowl of goodness is so easy to make and such fun to eat. The juicy mussels add their own flavour to the broth and the sweet spring vegetables balance out all the spice so you have a harmonious zing. Get slurping.

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Fish Saag with all the Extra Greens

I really had no idea what to call this! But as we were first trying it my housemate said ‘it’s sort of like a saag curry’ so I’m going with that. Thanks Selena! The sauce is super easy to make and full of all the good stuff – greens, herbs, ginger, turmeric and so on. The flavour is a fresh and relatively mild curry that’s perfect with delicate fish.

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   My new thing is using curry pastes and a little stock or coconut cream to create the flavour and sauce. It’s so quick and easy and packs a huge flavour punch! You can make your own paste and freeze in portions or keep in the fridge if you plan on using it quickly, or just buy one. So many options to make your life tasty, healthy and easy.

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