Okay so you may or may not have noticed that I haven’t posted anything since last week’s meal plans. I had sort of run out of recipes to post while traveling as testing them is a little hard when I’m not in one spot for long, and I just wanted to really be laid back in this last week of my holiday. Plus it was my birthday week and I thought not pushing myself to write when I didn’t feel like it might be the nicest treat of all.
Instead I soaked up the inspiration in Auckland and enjoyed my last few days as a 34 year old. I’m 35. Crap, how did that happen? I still feel like I’m in my mid twenties but perhaps that’s because in many ways my life isn’t how I thought life looked when you’re 35. As a teen I always thought I’d feel different, have a couple of kids, being paying a mortgage and doing that whole thing. But life hasn’t gone in that direction yet and I couldn’t be happier. I want to continue to value the freedom I have to be selfish while I have that freedom. The freedom to make irresponsible decisions (6 weeks o/s? Why not!) as they only impact me.

That said there’s some things that make me realise that I’m a grown up:
My preference to mostly eat wholesome foods. Like, I crave them.
My inability to have huge nights out and absolute love of sleep.
Semi constant fretting about whether I’ll just be renting forever and then balancing that with wondering if I care?
My inability to sleep properly unless all the circumstances are right (when did I become such a light sleeper?!)
My intense excitement at nice linen, tea towels with the perfect drape and beautiful ceramics.
An obsession with houseplants and mid century modern furniture.
The rising anxiety that I get when I’ve eaten too much sugar or not exercised for a few days. I’m not anxious about these things because they’re ‘bad’ or anything ridiculous so much as I need to watch my sugar intake and keep exercising to NOT be an anxious mess.
How 2 glasses of red wine makes me sleepy rather than ready for dinner.
Ideal night is one spent in with those glasses of red, a yummy meal and a round of yaniv or a 1000 piece puzzle.
The level of joy I have about planning the Christmas menu rather than what gifts I’ll get.
In honour of that first sign of being well and truly in my mid thirties I bring you all the salad to celebrate 35 years on planet earth.
Plan A
Day 1: Gnocchi in a Rich Eggplant, Tomato and Basil Sauce, this gnocchi is so rich and full of flavour and filled with yummy veg.
Day 2: Cucumber, Corn and Avocado Salad with Miso Marinated Chicken I LOVE this salad, it has all the summery feels.
Day 3: Pan Fried Barramundi with a Citrus and Avocado Salad, use your favourite firm fleshed white fish in this recipe.
Day 4: Pearl Barley, Asparagus and Zucchini Salad, three salads in a row?! Yes.
Day 5: Yakitori Chicken Bowls with Japanese Slaw, yummmmmmm
Plan B
Day 1: Pearl Barley, Asparagus and Zucchini Salad, this salad is a great work lunch option too.
Day 2: Gnocchi in a Rich Eggplant, Tomato and Basil Sauce, feed this to your non vegetarian mates and they’ll still love it thanks to the depth of flavour in that sauce.
Day 3: Potato, Pea and Radish Salad with a Mustard Dressing. Add some soft boiled eggs to this to increase the protein.
Day 4: Quick and Easy Vegetarian Chilli, freeze your leftovers so you have a quick grab lunch option during party season.
Day 5: Cheesy Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes. Serve with any leftover veg you have from the week on the side.
And the bonus recipe this week: Choc Coconut Pops keep everyone happy.
HH. x