

These noodles are full of flavour and nutrient packed ingredients! You can use any green vegetables you want, go with what’s in season. They’re also quick and easy to make as you can be as fancy or as basic as you like with your ingredient prep and using lean chicken mince means you don’t need to cut any chicken – another time saver.

I’m all about saving time in the kitchen at the moment as I am always so tired, end of year shenanigans, fabulous festivals and just life have taken it out of me so I want to be able to cook nutritious, yummy things in less than 20 minutes. This recipe achieves that. 30 minutes if you’re feeling super lethargic. It’s a week night staple in my house and if there’s not 4 of you eating save the leftovers to eat as is the next day or wrapped up as rice paper rolls (and dipped in crack sauce!).

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I love chicken mince in this as it means a little bit of meat goes a long way and you get some lovely caramelised flavoursome chicken in each mouthful. As mentioned above you don’t need to make the ingredients look pretty, just make sure they are relatively the same size so they cook evenly. If you’re not using fresh peas then throw them in still frozen.

I’m a big fan of rice stick noodles and you could use any thickness in this, even the flat wide ones (but those are bought fresh not dried and you’ll need to follow the instructions on the packet). If you’re part of that genetically deprived coriander hating group of people (I’m talking to my sister here), just leave it out or add some thai basil, chives or top with some mint or something. You get the idea…

serves 4


200g rice stick noodles

500g chicken mince

1 bunch broccolini

2 cups shredded spinach

1 bunch asparagus

1 cup peas

1 cup coriander leaves

1/3 cup roasted cashews (unsalted)

1/2 cup spring onion finely sliced

2 tsp freshly grated ginger

2 birds eye chillies finely diced (if not that hot add more!)

2.5 Tbs finely diced coriander stalks

1 tsp sesame oil

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1.5 Tbs black vinegar

1.5 Tbs soy sauce

1.5 tsp fish sauce

1.5 Tbs olive or coconut oil

1 lime, quartered


Cook rice stick noodle for 6 minutes in boiling water (or per packet instructions). Drain, set aside.

Chop the asparagus and broccolini into 2 cm pieces. Combine the sesame oil, vinegar, fish sauce, soy, cinnamon and 1/2 tsp ginger in a bowl.

Heat 1 Tbs of olive oil in a wok or heavy based large fry pan. Once hot add the chicken mince and stir, breaking it up as it cooks. Once it just starts to colour add 1/2 the spring onion, 1.5 tsp ginger, the chilli and the coriander stalks. Stir to combine for 1 minute. Then add the spinach, broccolini, asparagus and peas and stir to combine. Cook for 1 minute and add the noodles, separate as adding, making sure they don’t just stick together in big clumps . Add your sauce  and half the coriander tossing the ingredients around in the pan to coat evenly. If it is sticking add the remaining 1/2 tbs of oil.

Serve topped with cashews, remaining spring onion and coriander, a wedge of lime and extra chilli if you’re a spice fiend.

HH. x

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