Meal Plans 10

Well life us getting a little repetitive in my corner of the world… I didn’t realise how much I realised on social engagements as a measure of time passing. At least these weekly meal plans let me know it’s another Sunday, hopefully they’re a weekly reminder for you too!

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Meal Plans 9

A public holiday while everyone is working from home is more confusing than my brain can handle, so I totally missed that it was a Sunday yesterday and didn’t have this post ready to share. But I’m here now!

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Meal Plans 8

The weeks are really starting to melt into one long dayish thing where I’m vaguely aware of the time of day but only can take a guess at the day. I’ve decided next week I need more of a routine so the days feel more different. If only I wasn’t sho shockingly bad at sticking to a routine…

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Meal Plans 7

Well this is all getting weird. How’s social distancing going in your part of the world? With work finishing on Monday ours has consisted of a whole lots of cooking experiments, daily local walks and Pilates videos. And too much wine…

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Meal Plans 6

I totally wanted to have more new recipes for you this week but with emergency meetings at school and my decision to work extra days there I had no time! But as most other people I know a socially isolating and working from home I though I’d throw in some recipes with minimal ingredients and things that can be frozen. As well as something that’ll require more time if you’re up for the challenge!

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Meal Plans 5

I’ve spent the last week getting over a sinus infection and having a long weekend to get better gas been fabulous… if a little boring! But I’ve also discovered two fabulous series: Cheer (Netflix) and The Outsider (Foxtel) so I’ve managed to stay entertained!

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Meal Plans 4

I had another little hiatus while I got busy with work and fun times (a dear friend’s hen’s weekend last weekend!). But I’m back! I realised when I’m busy it feels way harder to stick to the vegan until 6 thing, as I have less time to get organised so this week I’m focusing on things that I’ve been eating for breakfast and lunch that we’re just EASY.

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Meal Plans 3

I had such a lovely week this week! Busy but totally rewarding too. And by organising myself at the beginning of the week the new changes to my diet didn’t feel hard at all!

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Meal Plans 2

This is the second addition of the ‘eat less animal products’ meal plans and I’ll be going into my third week of eating vegan until dinner… so far so good!

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Meal Plans Week 132

So I’m half way through testing all the recipes I created using my grocery haul and I’ll be able to share the whole weekly plan including a shopping list etc soon. For now these plans are inspired by what I’ve been eating!

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